"People think of jewellery as something that is simply ornament and has very little to say. But when you start to really look at something for a long time that’s that small and detailed, you’re carried off into a place that is like a dream."
Pamela Ritchie
Pamela Ritchie’s jewellery brings together traditional craft processes, contemporary ideas of science and culture, and the language of materials. Her work celebrates the concentrating effect of detail, and the paradox that an abundance of ideas, form and pattern can be encapsulated in small objects.
Ritchie’s award-winning work has been shown in 100+ exhibitions throughout North America, Australia, Asia and Europe, and featured in books, catalogues and periodicals. The Canadian Museum of Civilization, the Kunstindustrimuseum, Norway, the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts and the Nova Scotia Art Bank are among the major institutional collectors of her work. She is represented by Montreal’s Galerie Noel Guyomarc’h, which is presenting a retrospective of her work in spring 2017.
Pamela Ritchie is currently Professor of Jewellery Design at NSCAD University. She has also lectured in Canada, England, the US and Korea, and served as the Canadian consultant for several European exhibitions. She is based in Halifax.